July 27, 2018

Create Your Paradise with these 5 Ideas for Your Condo Garden

By: Melecio Martin G. Arranz IV

A garden is a slice of paradise that refreshes and recharges us. Aside from being pleasant to look at, studies proved that plants lighten the mood, reduce stress levels, relax the mind and improve concentration. Maybe that is why we surround ourselves with flowers and plants during celebrations like weddings and birthdays.

Well, why wait for an occasion when you can live in a quaint little garden every day? Reinvent your high-rise haven and create a personal paradise with these five condo garden ideas.

5 Garden Ideas For Your Condo


1. Bloom with Color

Want some cheery color in your condo? Plant flowers. Want some sweet fragrance in your condo? Plant flowers. You do not have to have a reason; flowers are simply too pretty to snub when you are starting a condo garden. Consider flowers that are easy to grow like Geraniums, Peace Lily, Sampaguita, Orchids, and African Violets. Don’t forget to place the lovely blooms at your windowsill or balcony for the much-needed sunlight.

Edible Centerpiece

2. Edible Centerpiece

The wonders of eating healthy are a well-known fact. But with today’s rising costs of basic commodities and excessive use of dubious pesticides, growing basic food is invaluable. You can spend less and eat healthier by growing herbs and vegetables in your condo. Start with cherry tomatoes, mushroom, ginger, mint, basil, and a variety of leaves. Bonus tip: place your herb planters front and center the dining table for a unique conversation piece.


3. Go Mini

Less is more. A terrarium is small garden usually sealed in a glass container. Terrariums are perfect for indoors as they easy to maintain with just some moisture and glances of light. Start with an open-top container like a fishbowl or a mason jar; add a layer of pebbles for drainage, activated charcoal to avoid bacteria, and potting soil for plant growth. Then add small plants and décor pieces, and you have a fancy little ecosystem in a jar.

Hanging Garden

4. Hanging Garden of Babylon

As with most condos, space is always up for consideration. Maximize your space by doing your garden vertically in your balcony or a sunny corner. Consider hanging your plants in a reused pallet, metal rods, coat racks, and shelves for a Hanging Garden of Babylon look. Add a chair, some lamps, décor pieces, and voila! You have a cozy, charming nook you and your Instagram friends will surely love.

tender loving care

5. TLC

Even without a green thumb, your condo garden can still thrive when you cultivate each plant with tender loving care. A garden helps reduce stress so pay it back by doing your best to tend to your leafy friends as best as you could. Do your homework and research about the light, water and other requirements of your plants before starting your pocket garden. And while you are at it, why not talk or sing to your plants. They might grow faster.

Gardening requires planning, creativity, effort, and patience. Do not worry about mistakes; it is inevitable that you lose a plant or two. Learn from the error, charge it to experience and move on to new plants. A garden does not grow overnight. And remember, good things – like a flourishing garden – come to those who work hard.

Bring Nature Closer to Home

Start your condo garden with Federal Land’s condos for sale in the Philippines. These well-built and thoughtfully-designed RFO and pre-selling condominiums have high investment potential and are located in prime spots.

Contact our knowledgeable real estate professionals today and let us help you in your homebuying journey!

  About the Author

Melecio Martin G. Arranz IV

Digital Marketing Head

Martin is an experienced marketer with over 16 years of experience across various industries including real estate, banking and finance, technology, and advertising.

Martin has a broad range of expertise in having handled campaigns, brand launches, activations both in the traditional and digital space. Currently serving as the Digital Marketing Head at Federal Land, Martin leads a team focused on managing digital sales and platforms for the residential, estates and commercial business units.


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