May 17, 2019

Federal Land Sales Force Fires Up Summer with Exciting Team Building and Outing

In an effort to foster camaraderie and strengthen motivation, Federal Land Inc. hosted a Sellers Summer Outing & Team Building activity with the theme, “FIRE-UP,” last May 10 and 11, 2019 at Club Balai Isabel in Talisay, Batangas.
Over 250 Federal Land property specialists, sales officers, broker partners from the various sales groups of Federal Land, Horizon Land, Sales Affiliates, Financial Institutions, Prime and Brokers; and the sales and marketing support teams, participated in six exciting team building exercises that built up group communication, planning and problem-solving skills that indeed fired up deep discussions and genuine connections among peers.
The two-day event also featured an All White Party by the pool in the evening wherein participants reveled in food, drinks, music and dance.  It was fiery festivity that rewarded the sales team in their ardent efforts, rekindled the fire within and rallied the Federal Sales Force to persist in their goals this 2019.
The Sellers Summer Outing & Team Building is a sequel to the Federal Land Sales Rally, with “Ignite” as battle cry held last February 13, 2019 at Metrotent, Pasig City.

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