December 8, 2021

Federal Land’s The Seasons Residences: Your home for all seasons

Japan has always been one of my most fascinating countries. In fact, if you asked me to live long-term somewhere outside the Philippines, given the choice, my first pick would be Japan. I adore how things work so efficiently, how they’re sticklers for cleanliness and hygiene, and I do love their food.
When it comes to architecture and interiors, they’ve always kept things simple, aesthetically pleasing, and yet functional to the max—and I appreciate how each of these disciplines and design philosophy are always bound to nature and things organic.
With Japan, there is no “bahala na” or “pwede na yan” attitude. Their “Takumi” spirit and the “Shokunin” pride they take in things they create or are tasked to perform, are imbued in their approach to work and the output created. That’s why I’m especially excited with Federal Land’s new project in BGC, The Seasons Residences. It’s where the strong Filipino sense of community will be fused with the distinct Japanese elements that focus on technology, functionality, safety, and harmony with the environment.
At The Seasons Residences, Federal Land has partnered with two of the stellar names in Japan’s prime real estate and retail industries, namely, Nomura Real Estate Development and Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings, Inc. As a result, a little piece of modern Japan will soon rise. The Seasons Residences will be where potential residents can enjoy the synergy created as Nikken Sekkei, a Japanese design firm, collaborated with CASAS+Architects. Let’s examine some of the forthcoming highlights of this.

Artist’s perspective of The Seasons Residences amenity deck. Below: Artist’s perspective of The Seasons Residences three-bedroom unit master bedroom.

Japanese storage solutions, like the kitchen floor storage, shoe cabinet, and bedroom closets, are simple yet well thought out spaces that make organizing easy while giving adequate spaces for personal and home effects. There’ll even be a space-saving sink in the kitchen, especially designed for cooking preparation, washing, and draining—all housed in a sleek design. The sink itself is recessed, with draining and cutting boards attachments that effectively double your work area.
A below-floor drainage system, a type of floor construction that allows for easier pipe maintenance, repairs, and water leakage protection, will be utilized for each unit. There’ll be a separate shower and bathtub to make your relaxing and unwinding be of a higher quality—this is one of the important water rituals of the Japanese.
Read more: Manila Bulletin

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