September 4, 2021

Hoping for better days ahead

After more than a year into the pandemic, the Philippines may finally see a sustained recovery owing to new strategies that are seen to facilitate economic rebound in the near term.
As think tank Moody’s Analytics reported this week, fast-tracking the nationwide inoculation drive, incentivizing the vaccinated and imposing localized quarantine may help an economy that has been very sluggish under the weight of severe and lengthy lockdowns.
Such developments bode well for industries like real estate, which has also seen its fair share of challenges amid the devastating difficulties dealt by this protracted global health crisis. And with the onset of the so-called “-ber” months— traditionally a season that brings hope and joy to many Filipinos— one could only hope for better days ahead.
But will the Philippine real estate industry, which has seen a glorious decade of unprecedented stellar growth, finally see that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel? Will improvements in the business and consumer sentiment translate into increased demand? Are investors now more optimistic of their prospects and willing to bet big again in real estate?
Inquirer Property polled some of the country’s top officials and industry experts to give their thoughts on how the real estate industry fared in the past months, their forecasts for the last quarter of the year, and then insights as to what will be crucial for its continued recovery.
Read more: : Philippine Daily Inquirer

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