March 27, 2020

How to Keep Your Children Entertained and Enriched in Quarantine

By: Melecio Martin G. Arranz IV

article march272020

With businesses and schools closed in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, families face long confinement together. Parents are suddenly confronted with the challenge of keeping their children busy, but still learning, at home. What can you do with a high-energy child that is not allowed to leave the house? Here are 5 activities that your children can do during the quarantine.
Encourage Learning at Home
Even though schools are temporarily closed, children can still continue their lessons at home. Allocate time every day for school work by giving them workbooks in Math, Language, and Science. This not only lets them keep up to date with their curriculum but it also enforces discipline. To further their learning, encourage your child to check out free online resources such as Scholastic Learn at Home, Khan Academy, and NASA’s Teachable Moments.

Make a Schedule
Under normal school year circumstances, kids will have a set routine from sunup to sundown.  You can replicate that by creating a timetable with activities such as online learning, arts and crafts, play, and household chores. Not only will this detailed schedule help your kids cope with this unique quarantine period, but it will also provide them with some semblance of normalcy.
Workout Together
Kids love running, jumping, and dancing, even without reason. With the imposed quarantine, kids will get restless and jittery. Why not invite your kids to do some easy workouts or dance routines? It will not only help kids release pent-up energy, but it will also help calm their mind and distract them from the current issue. You can devise some kid-friendly workout ideas like deep breathing, stretches, and simple Yoga poses.

Do Chores Bingo
You might notice that sometimes your kids enjoy doing household chores with you. Depending on their age, you can ask your kids to help you around the house. They can organize their closet, sweep the floor, or wash the dishes. It will keep your children occupied and teach them how to be a responsible person.
Create happy memories
In your regular hectic days, you may barely have time to spend with your kids. Now with the month-long quarantine, you have time to spend with the whole family. You can bake cookies, set up a treasure hunt, have an indoor picnic, and many more. You can also cuddle in bed and read aloud a children’s book or set up a home concert. Outside of keeping the kids happy and active inside the house, these simple activities will become cherished memories you will eventually be thankful for.
For some children, staying at home can be boring. Make sure to give them fun and educational activities that will utilize their time and energy during this crisis. Who knows, they might even discover their true passions.

  About the Author

Melecio Martin G. Arranz IV

Digital Marketing Head

Martin is an experienced marketer with over 16 years of experience across various industries including real estate, banking and finance, technology, and advertising.

Martin has a broad range of expertise in having handled campaigns, brand launches, activations both in the traditional and digital space. Currently serving as the Digital Marketing Head at Federal Land, Martin leads a team focused on managing digital sales and platforms for the residential, estates and commercial business units.


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