The Ultimate Out of Town Checklist
By: Melecio Martin G. Arranz IV

It’s time for your next vacation! Time again to visit the in-laws. Time again to go somewhere exotic. Time again cut the routine and make new memories.
Before you get too excited about setting up a golden itinerary, remember to also plan for the things that cannot join you on your trip. For instance, your pets and your home. An empty house may attract unwanted problems. Plan to secure your home from water leaks, power surges, lost packages, and burglars. Turn off the electricity and water tap to save on utility bills. Set up light timers to make your house look lived in. Ask a friend to take care of your pet and keep an eye out for your home.
Whether it is a quick weekend getaway or a long holiday trip, make sure your house, your luggage and yourself are ready and organized with this ultimate out-of-town checklist.