April 6, 2020

7 Things you can do at home during home quarantine

By: Melecio Martin G. Arranz IV

article april062020

A lot of us are not used to staying home for days, especially not with an explicit restriction such as that which the ECQ is implementing. Remaining indoors for a whole month is a new and unfamiliar experience for a lot of us. We need to find ways to entertain ourselves, combat boredom, and channel our energies into some productive activities.
If you don’t want to watch yet another movie, here are some options you can consider.

Do it yourself
The more time you spend at home, the more you’ll notice small things that need a little work. Now that you suddenly have spare time, it will be good to start tinkering with the odd jobs you never got around to do. Perhaps a light bulb needs changing, clothes need to be hemmed, or furniture rearranged?
Sign up for Online Workshops
If you need something to keep your brain stimulated, there is an array of online courses, workshops and webinars you could look into.  You may even come across a passion you never knew you had. Pick something you’ve been wanting to learn about but haven’t had the time for – if not now, then when?

Doodle or Color
Want to get creative but not quite an artist? Break out your adult coloring books and color pencils for a relaxing session of coloring mandalas. Studies show that “structured coloring of a reasonably complex geometric pattern” leads to a meditative state that helps reduce anxiety.

Sweat it out
Feeling stiff from sitting in from of the TV? Consider doing some dance exercises at home. You can find easy-to-follow guides on YouTube or in app to help you develop an effective home workout routine.  Not only will you be one step closer to your summer body goals, exercise will also boost your mood and lower stress.
Cook, cook, cook
If you can’t eat at your favorite restaurant or get delivery, this is the perfect time to expand your culinary skills! You can practice your knife skills like a master chef or add your flair to your Nona’s secret recipe. Turn your free time to tasty time. Need inspiration? Try this quarantine recipe challenge.
Go on a field trip
Forget your passports and quarantine pass. You can now visit the Louvre Museum and climb Mt. Everest without leaving the comforts of your home.  These virtual field trips can take you to amazing places and new experiences.
Create family memories
What’s more beautiful than coming together as a family? You can set up a nice family dinner followed by a movie night. Or you can also teach your kids your favorite instrument or learn a new language together. When the time comes, these little moments will be cherished the most.

Staying at home for quarantine might be the best way to help flatten the curve. There are plenty of productive and enjoyable things to do during this quarantine. Just remember to wash your hands regularly and sanitize the items you touch frequently.

  About the Author

Melecio Martin G. Arranz IV

Digital Marketing Head

Martin is an experienced marketer with over 16 years of experience across various industries including real estate, banking and finance, technology, and advertising.

Martin has a broad range of expertise in having handled campaigns, brand launches, activations both in the traditional and digital space. Currently serving as the Digital Marketing Head at Federal Land, Martin leads a team focused on managing digital sales and platforms for the residential, estates and commercial business units.


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