6 Tips for Couples Shopping for a Condo Together
By: Melecio Martin G. Arranz IV

The thought of purchasing your first property as a couple sounds enticing. This is a huge step that tests your maturity, responsibility, and commitment to each other.
Condo living is an attractive choice for couples because the location is generally good, security isn’t a big concern, and the amenities suit every lifestyle.
Although exciting, buying a condo isn’t as easy as you’d think. The nitty-gritty factors could be a nightmare if you fail to acknowledge them when shopping for a property.
There are ways to overcome the unexpected shortcomings and misunderstandings during the condo-buying process with careful planning and communication. Below are some helpful tips for couples moving in together in their first condo.
6 Condo Shipping Tips for Couples
1. Communicate regularly
Be honest with each other, no matter how hard it is to say and hurtful to hear. Work through your concerns about every property you’re viewing, instead of bottling them up and letting them linger. As long as the two of you voice your opinions and are open to each other’s thoughts and preferences, you can work around any setbacks.
2. Don’t engage in power struggles
Belittling, dismissing, or disrespecting the opinions and needs of the other will cause both of you to clash, and your conversations will become more tense and feel more confronting. Eventually, you’ll feel like you’re on different teams and forget that the goal is to buy one shared home. This is how power struggles start.
Once the power struggle begins, couples start to look at their partner’s flaws, mistakes, and differences and let their emotions run the show, instead of focusing on the facts. There will be no compromise, and either one can be passive or aggressive to the process as a result. That’s why it’s crucial to be respectful when listening to each other’s positions the entire time. Focus on what you both want and always talk calmly.
3. Postpone if needed
If your conversations during this time are beginning to heat up and many disagreements are going on, take a breather for a moment. Condo-hunting should be something that excites you both, not cause fights and strain your relationship. There will never be a shortage of properties, so put a pause on it if needed.
Your marriage or partnership is more important than buying a home. If you feel like you’re getting in a rocky situation because you couldn’t compromise on certain things, halt all discussions about your condo search for a couple of weeks. Then, when you both have had enough time to think things through and have a new perspective, that’s when you can get back to the discussion.
4. Real estate friendships
While you can find all the answers to your questions with a quick Google search, you can’t be experts at everything. When property hunting, it’s still best to work with an agent with in-depth knowledge about properties and purchasing a condo.
If you need to hear unbiased advice and perspective, your agent can be the perfect person for that. You can also ask them for newlyweds buying tips that you might have missed.
5. Compromise on your wants and needs
Take the time to sit and write down the things you both want as well as deal-breakers in a condo, but do it separately. This way, you both can see your conflicting wants and needs as well as the common things you like.
Finding common ground is a great starting point that will help guide your condo-buying discussion. Be practical and open when talking about the must-have features and non-negotiables when looking for a property. This can help you better understand where the other is coming from and compromise later on.
6. Agree on a budget
An important subject you’ll have to discuss with your partner is how much you plan to spend on a property. Should you go for a unit with a conservative price or take on a higher mortgage to afford a larger unit? While it’s nice to have a bigger unit so you can host a lot of people in your new home, it may take a toll on your finances if the monthly payments are too high.
When talking about money, it’s more advisable to set aside emotions and desires. Stick with the facts instead. Determine your monthly income and consider the other expenses (i.e., phone bills, subscriptions, etc.) on top of monthly payments that come with owning a condo unit. Veto properties that are beyond your price range.
Let Condo Shopping Bring You Closer Together
Living together is a significant milestone for couples. But know that buying a condo property is more than just agreeing with one another. And remember, don’t rush the process. Picking a home can take months. So take all the time you need to talk about your worries and desires to find the perfect condo match for you and your partner.
Are you ready to purchase your property and turn a new chapter in your life as a couple? Hunt for quality condo units with Federal Land, where comforts and conveniences are right at the door. Enjoy this new journey of living together in your own home.